Seseña Project
Seseña Project
2.500.000 m2
Land (Sale of land for development: Creation of a nationwide industrial logistics park)
120 M€ in land plus development; 550 M€ in construction; estimated market value 900 M€.
The Project
This is the sale of a plot of land belonging to a family developer with a surface area of 2,500,000 sqm.2 in the municipality of Seseña, Toledo, purchased at the time for the development of a residential project that was paralysed by the economic and real estate crisis of 2008-2010.
Due to the scarcity of quality land for the development of logistics activities, the modification of the current planning is proposed for the creation of a logistics estate with the needs and characteristics demanded by current logistics operations, both from the point of view of services for the companies themselves and their workers, and from the point of view of sustainability, the environment, access and communication for large lorries and distribution trailers.
The result:
Thanks to the experience of the Proequity team over the years in the sale of land and in the commercialisation of logistics warehouses, a study of the land is carried out and a master plan and economic analysis is carried out to present the business opportunity to interested investors who have the technical and economic capacity to be able to develop an industrial estate from the beginning, undertaking and carrying out all the necessary town planning management, as well as the execution of the infrastructures, accesses and roads for its correct operation.
Likewise, the final plots are designed according to the present and future needs of logistics in constant evolution in recent years, which has meant that many warehouses and industrial environments have become totally outdated.